Thursday, June 7, 2012

Technology has surely changed the way we live. The Internet has become a deeply embedded part of our everyday lives. Whether it be checking your email, taking a class, looking for information, shopping or social networking, we are using the internet in every capacity.  Such being the case, one wonders about the level of security provided to personal information available or traded on the internet.

In the news recently was the data breach at the social networking site LinkedIn. The company, which caters to companies seeking employees and people looking for jobs, has millions of  members worldwide. Encrypted password files of the site's users  were found on the underground websites where criminal hackers frequently exchange stolen information. Organizations need to invest more time and effort in protecting the user's data  they have been entrusted with.

1 comment:

  1. As a LinkedIn User, I was unaware of this breach. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Internet security is one area where many people and companmies can learn a thing or two, maybe even three.
